The Marlowe Society of America is pleased to announce that its 9th International Conference will be held in and around Deptford, London, UK, from 9 to 12 July 2024. Deptford is (in)famous for being the site of Christopher Marlowe's final reckoning and untimely death. Join us as we celebrate, examine, interrogate, and explore Marlowe's corpus of poetry and plays just a stone's throw from this legendary place.    

Hosted by MSA President Lucy Munro and held at Goldsmiths, University of London, the conference will feature keynote presentations by Ruben Espinosa (Arizona State University USA), Subha Mukherji (University of Cambridge UK), and Eoin Price (Edinburgh University UK). The program will also include talks by more than 70 international delegates.  

Conference registration is open to presenters and auditors. The registration fee includes an opening reception at the historic Deptford Town Hall; a Marlowe-focused walking tour of Deptford; a Research in Action workshop on Marlowe's plays in repertory in the Sam Wanamaker Playhouse at Shakespeare's Globe; an informal evening play-reading with members of the Beyond Shakespeare Company; and a publishing workshop for early career scholars. Daily coffee and lunch will be provided. A closing banquet for attendees and their guests at the unique Master Shipwright's House can be added to registration.  

All presenters and auditors must be current members of the Marlowe Society of America to attend the conference. Please visit our MEMBERSHIP page to purchase a membership. If you have any questions about your membership status, please use the form on the MEMBERSHIP page to inquire.

There are several hotels in the general vicinity of the main conference venue at Goldsmiths: 

If you wish to calculate distances and/or transport options from these or other accommodations to Goldsmiths, please use the Professor Stuart Hall Building on the Goldsmiths campus as a destination landmark.  


NOTE: Clicking “Add to Cart” will open a tab or window. If you would like to purchase multiple items—e.g., registration and a banquet ticket—navigate back to this page after adding each item until you are done.


Register to attend the conference as a presenter or auditor. Auditors are eligible to attend the same conference events as presenters. Please note that the SINGLE-DAY RATE is only available to auditors and that the CONCESSION rate is reserved for graduate students and underemployed faculty.


Add on a ticket to our closing banquet on Friday, July 12th, at the Master Shipwright's House, a beautiful, historic venue on the banks of the River Thames. Your ticket includes drinks, dinner, lovely views, and good companywith no fighting over the bar tab!